Friday, October 12, 2007

ON THIS DAY: Saturday, Oct. 12, 1861

From Louisville, Brig. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman writes “Dearest Ellen,” who is concerned about the worrisome tone of Cump’s recent letters. On October 10, she wrote him, “Do write me a cheerful letter that I may have it to refer to when the gloomy ones come.” It was not to be. Cump’s response: “How any body could be cheerful now I cant tell….the forebodings of danger against which I have struggled keep me far from being easy.” Then follows a litany of his military problems. Personally, however, his health “is very good though I have a headache from smoking too many cigars, and being kept down to a table writing.” Once again, he warns Ellen not to move to Cincinnati, apparently fearing Ohio's largest city is vulnerable to Confederate attack.

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